Roadsafe 4wd HD Recovery Tow Point Kit for Toyota 300 Series Landcruiser

Save $171.00
RoadsafeSKU: RPCRU300

Sale price$428.00 Regular price$599.00


The latest ROADSAFE designed RPCRU300 is supplied as a pair (LH & RH point) and has been designed for fitment on the Toyota Landcruiser 300 series with factory bumper and allocations for a variety of bull bar designs.

ROADSAFE, the leading supplier of rated recovery points, are excited to be bringing another Australian CAD designed, engineered & RATED recovery point product to the market. Now featuring an internal radius teamed with an external chamfer around the shackle eye, for improved soft shackle compatibility to prolong longevity of the ROADSAFE soft shackles in recovery scenarios.


 Designed, Developed and Tested in Australia
 WLL 5000KGS Tested in AUS NATA lab
 FEA & Physical destruction testing complete
 Soft shackle compliant with radiused shackle hole
 High tensile hardware

Kit contains:

  • 2 x Tow Points
  • All hardware for fitment

If a bullbar is fitted modifications might be required to the bar bracket, and/or additional hardware might be required such as longer bolts etc


Fitment Notes - These are used as a guide if your bullbar is not listed then we cant guarantee if the points will suit your vehicle & bullbar.

  • Factory Bumper - Yes
  • Opposite Lock - Yes
  • Rhino 4x4 - No

Off road driving demands for strong, reliable recovery points to cope with a huge variety of
recovery situations. The purpose of a recovery tow point is to provide a safe and secure point
from which to recover a stuck vehicle.

Roadsafe 4WD strongly recommend fitting Tow Points as a matched pair, bolted to the Chassis,
and used in conjunction with each other in all straight line pull recovery situations with use of an
Equalising Bridle. Warranty will not be considered if Tow Points are not used as recommended.

An Equalising Bridle is designed to evenly distribute the load on the vehicle during the recovery
operation when connected to the two recovery tow points. The Roadsafe 4WD Equalising Bridles
are designed in 2.5m x 6000kg minimum breaking strength, with a movable protective sleeve in the
middle and black reinforced eyelet protectors.

Most Roadsafe 4WD Tow Points have been designed for use with a 4.7t Bow Shackle.
When bolted to the chassis, the use of Roadsafe 4WD Tow Points, used in conjunction with an
Equalising Bridle attached with 4.7t Bow Shackles, creates a safer vehicle attachment system for
recovery situations.

Setting up this system is straight forward, secure one eye of the equalising bridle to one of the
installed Roadsafe 4WD Tow Hooks, pass the other end through the eye on the end of the snatch
strap intended for use during the recovery operation. Then, hook the second end of the equalising
bridle to the other installed Roadsafe 4WD Tow Hook. Line the equalising bridle up with the
direction of pull intended and locate the protective sleeve on the equalising bridle in the snatch strap

All Roadsafe 4WD Tow Points have been destruction tested during development, to ensure they
have the ability to cope with a variety of potential recovery situations.


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