BMW Viscous Fan Blade for M57N - MAHLE 11522249373


Sale price$95.00


OE Part number 11522249373 2 249 373

Mahle PN CFW 38 000P

Replacement Fan Blade for BMW X5 E53.

You could also use this in conjunction with the viscous hub and Water pump on your M57N2 if you wish to convert it to a Viscous fan rather than run thermos. 



About Mahle

Mahle began in 1920 when pistons made of heavy gray cast iron were being used in internal combustion engines for automobiles and there was a need for a new design. The Mahle brothers countered this trend by producing light-alloy pistons at their small, newly established company however the technology was still finicky and problems come up frequently. They soon determined that they needed to come up with a solution to keep dirt and dust out of the engine so they eventually developed air and oil filters as well. Their perseverance paid off and the light-alloy pistons began to take over the market. Today, half of all automobiles produced worldwide contain MAHLE components. MAHLE offers an extensive range of parts for everyone including pistons, cylinder liners, piston ring sets, bearings, assemblies, valves, valve train components, and air, oil, fuel, and cabin air filters. Their catalog and online database of aftermarket engine components is an indispensable reference.

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